National Sports Academy For Competitive Student Athletes

Are you a student athlete who has already participated in different sports competitions? Then there’s a big chance that you’ll qualify in the National sports Academy. It is made to provide student athletes with competitive trainings throughout the school year. Students enrolled in such program will have one period each day for special sessions on Strength and Conditioning, Sport Specific Skill, as well as Coaching and Leadership. All these sessions are given depending on the needs of the athlete.

After three years, student athletes who enroll in the said program will get 31 credits for taking part in the different components of the sports academy. What’s good about the said academy is that it inspires and helps student achieve personal success not only in athletics but also in academics. A student will not be accepted in the academy if he or she is not attending regular classes in one of the three designated sport academy locations.

This program understands that student athletes need to balance participation in sports with their academic requirements. That’s why teachers and coaches motivate and help students manage their time for trainings, making assignments, and studying for their exams. Sometimes, they also help students negotiate flexible deadlines with their instructors.

National Sports Academy (NSA) makes sure their students are excellent both in sports and in academics. And this is done through coaching. Academic coaches involved in the said program work with athletes to recognize their learning styles and to come up with strategies that will help them easily adapt with any learning condition, in any environment. This is very much helpful especially for students who want to pursue college education.

Also, NSA works hard to make their athletes familiar of the different areas of the NSA curriculum. Among the character traits that NSA aims to develop in every athlete are:

  • Mental ability and toughness.Student athletes in the said academy know that a difficult sport is one way to hone their mental strength and abilities. It is instilled in their minds that winning isn’t the only measure of success; mental toughness is rather achieved when one tries out new and difficult things.
  • Courage. Athletes usually undergo strenuous trainings with their coach, and they are put in outside-the-academy situations where it will be hard for them to do what’s necessary, thus, making them feel afraid. During such situations, the NSA staff will try to make the athlete feel that there’s always a room for mistake and that they should not be afraid to take risks and to overcome their fears. This way, athletes will develop skill in resolving conflicts and in learning to confidently communicate with others.
  • Winning or Losing in Class. NSA athletes enjoy competition but they are taught that no matter what the result of the battle may be, they should have respect for their opponents.
  • Leadership. Because of their active involvement both in sports and academics, NSA athletes are usually placed in situations wherein their leadership skills are needed. And because of such situations, student athletes become more confident and turn out to be young leaders with personal ethics, integrity, justice, and honesty.
  • Have Fun. National Sport Academy athletes are trained to have fun despite the challenges that may come their way. They are also taught to enjoy not just the successes but also the struggles they have to face. So whether they win or lose, they find ways to take pleasure in their journey.

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